
I am stuck in my weight loss journey and I need a little help please (nothing mean ..just helpful information)?

Question by shuebocks18: I am stuck in my weight loss journey and I need a little help please (nothing mean ..just helpful information)?
Alright I am going to flat out tell you everything I basically eat EVERY single day... I am hoping someone can help me because I have already lost 30lbs and I have 60lbs more to go. ( I am hoping to do it naturally then do the lap-band) Breakfast: Coffee with coffee mate 3 tbls. with 6 pieces of Turkey bacon. Lunch: 2 bottles of water, greek yogurt, and a roast beef sandwich (every once in a while I bring vegetables) If I get hungry I have a 100 calorie pack cookies. Dinner is usually meat, a carb and vegetables. 1-2 more bottles of water. Every once in a while for dessert I have fresh fruit. Exercise regimens is 3 days of yoga for an hr. 100 crunches a day and every other day 20 minutes of treadmill with 3lb weights on. I also go to the gym.Any assistance to help me get off this plateau would be lovely thanks!!!!!

Best answer:
Don't eat 6 pieces of bacon. Have something healthier like a protein bar, eggs, or multi-grain waffles.

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Orignal From: I am stuck in my weight loss journey and I need a little help please (nothing mean ..just helpful information)?